great to see you!

(I can’t see you)

The Sensitive Husbands Club backdoor pilot - a reworking of latest Gillan Edgar single ‘Get Up Get Moving’. Took ages to cast these lookalikes, definitely worth the effort.


What happens when you wear your heart on your sleeves, but you roll them up to do the dishes?


The Isolation Tapes

A series of videos of me layering myself to create preposterous pop rock soundscapes, covers of some of my absolute favourite songs in the Universe.


Click here to be taken to the external LIVE EVENTS website - GILLAN EDGAR EVENT MUSIC



Something music-related you’d like to discuss? How can I help with your Film / TV / Online project? Curated playlists, music history, performance coaching…


Various “Other Things” that I do when I’m really supposed to be focusing on the important stuff…


An all-in-one service for projects needing good quality Voiceovers/Voice Acting, in a range of accents and deliveries.


Gillan + Blog = GLOG

Thoughts, ideas and various diversions on the nature of nothing in particular, but also everything.



Ah, you made it! Great to have you here…

As you may or may not know yet, I’m Gillan Edgar - a dislocated Scotsman currently living in Manchester in the Northwest of England, in a suburb I’ve rechristened ‘Whalleywood’ (although it’s yet to catch on).

Music is the life-giving river that runs through my existence - it’s my favourite hobby, my livelihood, my distraction, my therapy. It gives me so many things, and friends have pointed out that it was about time I allowed my music to maybe do some of these things for other people. To stop being so greedy with it, so to speak.

So I hope that you’ll find all kinds of things that appeal to you here at Gillan Edgar Music - whether it’s the warm hug of the Sensitive Husbands Club, or the eyebrow raising cover versions of the PPE Guy (Isolation Tapes) to the get-your-heart-pumping carnival-rock of Reckless Gent, to my investigations into being creative and how to stay there (my Investigate Your Inspiration series).

Click on ORIGINAL MUSIC to get a flavour of my various projects. I’ve been a songwriter almost as long as I’ve been a musician, so there’s plenty to get your ears stuck into.

Maybe you’d like me to come and show off, err I mean perform some music for you at a special event, either by myself or with one of my exceptional bands? Click on the WEDDINGS & EVENTS link and we’ll start the ball rolling…

It covers a broad range of things, but MUSIC CONSULTATION is an interesting beast - click through to see the types of projects I’ve been involved in as a consultant, from Hollywood financed FILMS to CURATED PLAYLISTS…

Or perhaps you’re in need of something adjacent to all this - maybe a VOICEOVER or some music writing and recorded specifically for your project? I’ve got you covered, and I can do it all remotely, from home… That’s not to say I don’t love travelling out and about and meeting new people and working within their setups and studios! 

For all kinds of ARTISTIC ENDEAVOURS I’d class as ‘constructive diversions’ - click the aforementioned link to see the breadth of the ‘R&D’ wing of my humble one-man cottage-industrial international corporation. TV Shows I’m collaborating on, musicals, product development - dreams, schemes and made-up scenes…

And of course, if you’re after an insight into the swirling thought-soup of my mind - I’d highly recommend checking the BLOG now and again to see what nonsense I’ve been concocting of late. From made up band names, to short film ideas, to reflections and recollections, and sometimes a simple cringe-inducing pun, there’s a mixed bag of treats to get stuck into.

Maybe there’s something you’d like to ask about that I haven’t covered on the site? Well don’t hesitate - drop me a line and let me know! Just click on the CONTACT page to get in touch.

All the best,
